Top 20 NuGet memory Packages

Get aligned `Memory<T>` using this library. Derived from `MemoryManager<T>`.
Immutable versions of `Memory<T>` and `Span<T>`, because `ReadOnlyMemory/Span` doesn't imply the underlying memory won't be mutated. These types either wrap known immutable objects (`String`, `ImmutableArray<T>`), or they take sole ownership of a defensive copy of the underlying memory. They then pr...
Memory spy infrastructure.
TelloCommander Drone Telemetry InMemory Database
Biggy is a Fast, In-Memory, Synchronized Document/Relational Query Tool for .NET - This package contains the interfaces and base classes used by concrete implementations.
Offers a way of creating weakbindings to avoid Memory Leaks when using events.
A simple .NET library to cache data using custom providers.
Eco Tools is a set of classes and methods that helps to develop performance critical code on the top of .NET Framework.
Eco Tools Recycling is a set of classes and methods that helps to develop performance critical code on the top of .NET Framework.
The .NET Memory Profiler API can be used to retrieve memory usage information, perform memory assertions, and collect memory snapshots from within a profiled process. This API is intended to be used for automatic memory testing with the help of .NET Memory Profiler or NmpCore. The SciTech.NmpDataC...
MemoryCache (local) provider for Beatles.Caching
Provides a memory-based two-way stream for inter-thread communication, similar to a socket or a pipe. This can be used as a communication mechanism, and also as a mock mechanism for testing network programs - thread(s) on one side write data and thread(s) on other side receive the data. Wh...
Persistent Memory Cache, caches in Memory but also to Disk, so cache is persistent across restarts, build on Top of "Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Abstractions" and "LiteDB"
A low-level .NET allocator that grows lazily.
A MemoryCache which tries to prevent cache miss for hot entries, by refreshing before expiration.
Useful set of extensions for working with Array, Memory, Span. Primarily for ordering/sorting vectors. Part of the "Open" set of libraries.