Top 20 NuGet maybe Packages

.NET implementation of Maybe / Optional.
Mayhap is a tiny C# library inspired by Scott Wlaschins Railway Oriented Programming. Its goal is to simplify typical success/fail logic flows.
A .NET Standard library that adds option semantics to a tuple of Boolean and T.
“To be, or not to be, that is the question”. A simple Option type for .NET
Core.Maybe.Json — JsonConverter for the Maybe type
Provides a fully-featured Option type, aka a Maybe type, with several companion helpers (parsing, LINQ). An Option type allows to represent objects that are either something (a value or a reference) or nothing. Nullable Reference Types (NRT) do not count since they are not actual .NET types but ann...
Maybe is monads implementation for .NET
A safe monadic binder that will evaluate an expression chain and return an option type with information about whether the chain succeeded or not and where it failed.
Maybe type representing optional values.
Maybe Monad library for exterminating NullRefericeException.
DEPRECATED: Optional.Extensions has been replaced by more specific packages. Check out Optional.Collections, Optional.Utilities etc. Extended functionality for Optional.
Succinc<T> is a .NET library that adds a number of functional features to C#: * Discriminated unions, * Pattern matching, * Partial applications, * "Implicitly" typed lambdas, * The ability to treat void methods as Unit functions, * Replacements for TryParse methods that return an Option<T> (or Mayb...
Some monad implementations
A simple utility library
A collection of monads for C# that provide some functional programming flavor.
C# implementation of the Maybe (optional value) wrapper with fluent and LINQ APIs.
Provides a functional fluent syntax for C# based apps
A lightweight & fluent Option/Optional/Maybe Implementation supporting .NET Standard
A convenient, versatile and robust Option type for .NET applications.
An implementation of the option pattern for .NET.