Top 20 NuGet mapper Packages

Fast, versatile Ado.Net data mapper with helpers to improve productivity when working with a RDBMS. Designed for flexibility and ease of use. Full async support for operations and helpers, featuring a strongly typed sql builder
RabbitSharp.ExceptionMapper.AspNetCore extends the default ASP.NET Core exception handler middleware and re-executes request in an alternative pipeline by convention.
Slapper.AutoMapper is a mapping library that can convert dynamic data into static types and populate complex nested child objects.
SQLContext it is microORM for easy mapping your sql queries to VB and C# classes. The library has some special features that provide the flexibility to configure the mapping
This provides common, core objects for the generators, including the Percentile and Collection selectors, with dependencies
Unit of Work implementation for EntityFramework Core. Package based over the mediatr pattern (mediatr package used). For more information please see Calabonga.UnitOfWork package. Mediator pattern impementation.
A simplified mapper that also works with immutable types.
ExpressMapper it is a lightweight, fast and easy to use .Net mapper to map one type of object(s) to another. ExpressMapper relies completely on the expression trees.
JSON, XML, Database, CSV, EDI and Excel Data Mapper (Runtime Library). Download Liquid Data Mapper from the project page.
SavantBuffer's DbConnector: A performance-driven and ADO.NET data provider-agnostic ORM library for .NET
Provides ability to create exception handler with strongly-typed settings and conventions using dependency injection.
Transforms one data object into one or many of others with flexibly and fluently defined tree of transformers.
Simple Data Accesss Layer for EntityFramework with some helpfull features. There is a ReadableReposity and WritableRepository. PagedList collection and mapping to entities to ViewModels.
An alternative "Plain Old C# Objects" mapper with minimal configuration required.
TypeConverter is a lightweight, portable class library which allows to convert between objects of different types. This library is shipped with some basic sample converters, however, you are free to write your own type converters and register them in the IConverterRegistry.
Query HTTP api using GraphQL with C# defined models.
Database mapper that simplifies all kind of database communication. Currently just supports PostgreSQL.
Driver needed to connect to Neo4j using Blueprint41