Top 20 NuGet mapper Packages

Toolbox and WorkFlow for the agile development of .Net Web App and Api projects.
Powered by Castle Core, the AdapterInterceptor enables the generation of efficient dynamic proxies for proxying or adapting invocation contracts without requiring virtual methods on the target.
AutoMapper-based mappers, which can map between two and three types of objects.
Provides interfaces for implementing a base DAL entity, base DAL mapper, base CRUD repository and base unit of work class
Provides interfaces for implementing base classes of entities, mappers and services on BLL-level.
Provides basic implementations of BLL entity, mapper and service classes.
Mapping Utility in Interactive And Web Project - Doğuş Teknoloji
Powerful customisable tool for mapping entities to each other. Entities can be plain objects, DataReaders, SQL commands and anything you need. The tool uses run-time code generation via the Emit library. It is usefull for dealing with DTO objects, data access layers an so on.
XGENO.DBMapper is a simple, easy-to-use and powerful OR Mapper (just 15KB) for your database queries. It is set of extension methods (on the SQL Connection), which execute a SQL query (simple, parameterized, stored procs etc.) and return the data as a list of .NET objects (classes that you have crea...
Mvc stuff for sitecore
MOO is an object-to-object multimapper. It allows you to combine a number of different mapping strategies (conventions, config and others).
Signed EmitMapper
WinRT object to object mapper
Lightweight object mapper with support for declarative fluent syntax.
Enables mapping of simple Linq queries from one type to another
xMap is an object mapping framework that allows you to compose and reuse Linq projections within Entity Framework queries.
A light, simple, flexible, open source and generally awesome micro ORM.
oMapGen is a T4 template that automatically generates on convention basis C# mapping extension methods between two objects with a similar structure, identical property names and compatible types.
Features: Full control over the generated XML. POCO approach i.e. no attributes to pollute your domain entities. Fluent DSL for defining the mapping. Strongly typed/refactor-friendly. No reflection. Compability .net Framework 3.5 or higher