Top 20 NuGet map Packages

Provides classes useful in concurrent programming.
Xamarin binding for Google iOS map utils. All the credit goes to
ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Layers.Sqlite is a layer extension to the Map Suite product line, see below for compatibility. This layer represents a FeatureSource backed by SQLite. This extension utilizes SQL R*Tree module which allows it to natively query geometries at super fast speeds. An R-Tree is a spec...
Binding BaiduLBS_Android_v4_2_1
AMAP for Xamarin
Library for auto mapping datareader to class.
.net-library that allows you to map properties of two classes and then use result mapping to convert from one to another.
Simple.Net is a component with simple methods to make coding... Simple!
A lightweight, fully-featured JSON parser using Sprache
Creates DataTable for class and adding rows.
Provides generic collections to use in DangrLib packages.
A google map api wrapper for .Net . You can use Directions and Distance Matrix Api using this package
This is is an intelligent, refactoring safe object mapping library that automatically maps objects to each other event when the property names are not exactly the same.
Library that allows you to read electronic documents such as invoices, tickets and the answers given by SUNAT (CDR). Se requiere mínimo .NET 4
Library that allows you to read electronic documents such as invoices, tickets and the answers given by SUNAT (CDR). Se requiere mínimo .NET 4