Top 20 NuGet machine Packages

Used by the D-ASYNC Execution Engine.
Distributed lock provider for Workflow-core using Redis
Microsoft Machine Learning Scoring library for deep learning model inference. Current version of the library supports inferencing on ONNX v1.3 and TensorFlow v1.10.0 models. The library supports CPU execution with MKL/MKLDNN acceleration. Also supports CUDA GPU devices. For CPU execution of ONNX mod...
Microsoft.ML.TensorFlow.Redist contains the TensorFlow C library version 1.13.1 redistributed as a NuGet package.
Infer.NET is a framework for running Bayesian inference in graphical models. It can also be used for probabilistic programming. This package contains visualization tools for exploring and analyzing models on Windows platform.
Infer.NET is a framework for running Bayesian inference in graphical models. It can also be used for probabilistic programming. This package contains complete machine learning applications including a classifier and a recommender system.
Infer.NET is a framework for running Bayesian inference in graphical models. It can also be used for probabilistic programming. This package contains the Infer.NET Compiler, which takes model descriptions written using the Infer.NET API and converts them into inference code.
Infer.NET is a framework for running Bayesian inference in graphical models. It can also be used for probabilistic programming. This package contains classes and methods needed to execute the inference code.
ML.NET component for pretrained ResNet50 image featurization
ML.NET component for pretrained ResNet18 image featurization
ML.NET component for pretrained ResNet101 image featurization
ML.NET component for pretrained AlexNet image featurization
ML.NET component for a statically typed API.
A simple machine learning program that allows you to use and save weights and biases as CSV files. WARNING: This was created as a learning exercise. It works, but is very brittle.