Top 20 NuGet mvc Packages

A .NET library that provides ASP.NET MVC model binders based on customizable JSON parsers.
Asp.Net MVC specific configuration of Container4AspNet using Castle Windsor.
The Unity Application Block (Unity) is a lightweight extensible dependency injection container with support for constructor, property, and method call injection. It facilitates loosely-coupled design. Declarative configuration and registration by convention are supported on selected platforms.
An MVC package that simplifies error handling.
reCAPTCHA4net allows to easily integrate Google reCAPTCHA (the most popular CAPTCHA service) into ASP.NET web application (both Web Forms or ASP.NET MVC are supported). It supports updated reCAPTCHA API, which provides the No CAPTCHA experience.
Enables ASP.NET to read content files (e.g. .css, .js, .aspx) stored as resources in referenced assemblies
Adds radio buttons to mvc using EditorFor
Diginari helper methods
Adds built-in CRUD functionality to existing Asp.Net Mvc applications
Converter Helpers for dynamic, ExpandoObject, IEnumerable, IDictionary, DataTable and etc.
ASP.NET MVC TempData MongoDB provider
Aspy is totally free ASP.NET Session and Cache online viewer. It can be integrated with any ASP.NET web application including ASP.NET MVC and Web API. It is ready to use right after the installation. More detailed description is available on our website.
Smart IoC library for your WebApp
Common classes for web layer by Devkru
A Machine.Fakes context configuration which provides a specified user agent string
A Machine.Fakes context configuration which fakes an ajax http request
A Machine.Fakes context configuration which fakes a standard http request
a package For Hijri Date