Top 20 NuGet mvc3 Packages

Combine and compress your Css files according to Paris style that it's called Paristyle.
ActionMailerNext is a painless way of using razor view to render emails. This version runs with ASP.MVC 3. ActionMailerNext is a continuation of the ActionMailer.Net project.
T4 templates for generating repositories with NecroNetToolkit.
A totally unsupported way to quickly add ASP.NET MVC 3 support to your WebForms Application. Works on my machine. C# and ASPX View Engine Edition.
A totally unsupported way to quickly add ASP.NET MVC 3 support to your WebForms Application. Works on my machine. VB Edition.
A totally unsupported way to quickly add ASP.NET MVC 3 support to your WebForms Application. Works on my machine. VB and ASPX View Engine Edition.
Part of AV.Web framework. Library to help define models and viewnodels
This is the Edtter Template based on HappyForest template. (Edtter is a sample application for ASP.NET MVC 3 in Japan.) This template is for ASP.NET MVC 3 Tools Update - Internet Application project template and Razor (cshtml). And you need to delete Site.css, _ViewStat.cshtml and _Layout.cshtml fil...
A number of extensions to the existing HtmlHelper class, which allow a developer to directly generate HTML 5 input tags tied to a models value. Also includes additional metadata functionality to define placeholder text, validation patterns and min, max and step values. N.B. For the date-orientated ...
A basic viewmodel built on a base viewmodel, giving access to all needed page information in a type safe way.
Utility classes designed for ASP.NET MVC; deals with encryption, routing, caching, authorization, and various other security issues. Designed by used with Dependency Injection.
Azure AppFabric Cache provider for MVC.Utilities
Blowfish Encyption (BCrypt) provider for MVC.Utilities
Helping style challenged developers blunder into awesomeness. Adds a new Layout, Grids, editor templates, HTML5Boilerplate and HTML5 attributes.
Simple example of WizardController that use partial view for render the wizard's form. See ActionStep view code example. Version 1.1 Example of AutoWizardController, render the wizard's form in a single page without using partial view, see AutoStep view code.
Simple MVC3 Wizard Controller and Wizard Helper. Version 1.2: enhanced AutoWizardController and wizard helper that support boolean field rendered in checkbox and enum rendered in dropdown list Version 1.1: added AutoWizardController and new helper that automatically create wizard step form from the ...
Some extensions for ASP.Net MVC3 which allow you to persist the state of your model between different Views without using the Session object.
TakeIo.Essentials is a RESTful framework for ASP.NET MVC 3. TakeIo.Essentials supports Sinatra-like (from Ruby) routes, implements OPTIONS and HEAD methods in a reasonable way, adds syntax-sugar methods for returning OpenSocial (JSON/XML) single items and collections, decouples routing from controll...
Part of AV.Web framework. Database layer through repositary pattern
Adds HTML5 Editor Templates (to use new input types) with HTML.EditorFor functions, and support additional html attributes (such as data-bind for knockout)