Top 20 NuGet msbuild Packages

Runner support for DotNetBuild scripts
This package contains MSBuild task that is designed to optimize all published files in Visual Studio deployment process
Run a bower command as a MSBuild task
Run a grunt task as a MSBuild task
Run a gulp task as a MSBuild task
Run a npm command as a MSBuild task
Provides the GetLatestVersion task, which retrieves the latest published version of a given nuget package from, and provides easy access to its various SemVer components.
Runs an executable with optional arguments, and returns the standard output as an output parameter. Usage: <Run Exe="$(Git)" Args="log HEAD" WorkingDir="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)"> <Output TaskParameter="Output" PropertyName="HeadSha" /> </Run>
Authoring inline code tasks in C# in an XML file can be incredibly frustrating, without intellisense, compilation safety, tests, etc. This package automatically converts Task-derived classes in your project into inline tasks file you can import directly from your targets. Unit testing your custo...
Provides the DumpItems task which can be used to dump an item list and all their metadata, for easy diagnostics and troubleshooting.
Downloads a file from a URL to a destination directory or file path.
Allows applying a regular expression replacement for a pattern over an entire file or files. Example: <RegexReplace Files="@(Compile)" Pattern="/\* LICENSE \*/" Replacement="$(LicenseHeader)" />
Allows retrieving the current project's properties and currently building targets as items and metadata, effectivey allowing retrieval of property values dynamically by name. Usage: <Introspect> <Output TaskParameter="Properties" ItemName="CurrentProperties" /> <Output TaskParameter="Target...
Run a tsd task as a MSBuild task
Build and publish NuGet packages by setting the Build Action to ZaibotNuGetPack.
Package Description
Fork of the MSBuild ILMerge task NuGet package, adding support for internalization of the merged assemblies. Description from the original package: It is similar to the ILMerge.MSBuild.Tasks nuget package, originally published by [email protected] (that seems to be abandoned) with th...
MsBuild helpers for BizTalk
Nuget package that provides MSBuild targets to setup npm, to execute `npm install`, and to execute `npm run-script build`.
Allows custom tasks to efficiently load and access a Roslyn project for code generation or analysis. Multiple tasks, targets and even projects will all share the same Workspace and loaded Projects, thereby optimizing build times. Usage: In your custom task library, install the MSBuil...