Top 20 NuGet msbuild Packages

Build task to create a report for a certain Unbreakable policy (e.g. for source control/policy review).
An implementation of the Tcl scripting language.
MSBuild tasks to compile event/instrumentation manifests and generate ETW (Event Tracing for Windows) logging code.
Automatically embeds a resource containing the build timestamp into the assembly during build-time. Build time can be aquired through extension methods such as Assembly.GetBuildTime().
Using MSBuild Copy Output File To Fast Debug. 通过复制输出文件让 VisualStudio 外部启动快速调试底层库
The ultimate, one-stop solution to distribute ReSharper code annotations in XML format along with your libraries.
MdDocs is a tool generate documentation as markdown files. This package integrates the generation of documentation into the build process.
This package provides a build-time check that the set of referenced assemblies and the versions of those references have not changed from the previous build. This helps avoid accidental changes that can cause failures at runtime e.g. * referencing a newer version of an assembly that is not supporte...
Register the RemoteReference property to fetch dependencies from a URL
A dotnet tool that displays project properties.
Package Description
SlimJim genereates Visual Studio solution files that include related projects from disparate repositories.
Interested in using ILMerge during an automated build? ILMerge Tasks will allow you to access ILMerge as a task from MSBuild.
MSBuild.NUnit provides support for NUnit in MSBuild.
A compiler for dylan.NET, a language targeting the CLR
NuGet package which installs a PS module on init that can be used by other packages in init.ps1/install.ps1. It exposes some functionality to simplify manipulating MSBuild files. For more info on updates see the release notes at ...
Helper package to use with build servers. Contains all CodeContracts binaries and integrates into MSBuild build process.
Overrides for FxCop style rules.
Provides the $(CodeTaskAssembly) property which properly locates the right assembly to use for inline tasks depending on the currently executing MSBuild engine.
Provides the $(Git) property which properly locates the Git executable in the current machine.