Top 20 NuGet metro Packages
InplaceEditBoxLib provides a WPF overlay textbox control
Bring awesome Windows Phone 7 and Windows 10 progress bar to Android applications
Templates to use when creating metro applications.
The goal of AtomicMVVM is to allow developers to work with MVVM in their XAML based solutions (XPF, WinRT) with minimal effort while not getting in the way of the code. It requires .NET 4.5 or higher. The design goals of AtomicMVVM are (in order): simple over feature rich, unobtrusive over less code...
A simple IoC Container for .NET, SL, WP7, WP8, WinRT, Mono and Unity3d.
A standalone version of Caliburn.Micro's INPC implementation, BindableCollection, Execute.OnUIThread and InDesignMode checking designed for all Xaml platforms.
Provides a debug-time helper for designers to overlay a Metro-friendly grid over the phone application frame.
The goal of AtomicStorage is to allow developers to easily cache and restore data during the process lifecycle (suspend/resume) in Windows Phone and Windows 8 (Metro) applications. It is designed to work with good MVVM frameworks.
MarkedUp Analytics SDK for all .NET platforms: WinForms, WPF, Windows Phone, Windows Store, WinJS, and more! Learn more at
Controls and utilities for Windows 8.1 XAML store applications.
Part of the Coding4Fun Toolkit with only the Audio library. It provides an easy to use wrapper to get audio data from the microphone.
The Coding4Fun Toolkit has multiple controls and useful items such as a GzipWebClient and Audio Recorder for XAML based applications. This is the complete version which includes the network, storage wrappers, controls, and audio helper libraries.
Provides core types and classes to use Graffiti on the Windows 8 (Win RT) platform
BDD test specifications for windows store and windows phone apps similar to MSTestContrib.
BDD test specifications for windows store and windows phone apps similar to MSTestContrib. Signed version!
Metro module for Gemini, integrating MahApps Metro window
Capptain SDK for Windows 8 C# Metro Application