Top 20 NuGet lykke Packages

Client for Lykke.Service.Messages API
Client for Lykke.Service.PendingActions API
Client for Lykke.Service.KycReports API
Client for Lykke.Service.OperationsVolume API
Client for Lykke.Service.ClientSearch API
Client for Lykke.Service.Regulation API
Client for Lykke.Service.ClientAssetRule API
Contract for the Lykke.Job.CandlesProducer job
Refit clients and contract classes for the Lykke high-frequency trading API. Clients can be generated using the default Refit RestService or using the Lykke.HttpClientGenerator nuget package.
Client for Lykke.Service.Wallets API
Client for Lykke.Service.ReferralLinks API
Client for Lykke.Service.InspireStream API
Client for Lykke.Service.Subscribers API
Client for Lykke.Service.IcoExRate API
Client for Lykke.Service.OperationsCache API
Client for Lykke.Service.VisaRhaProcessor API
Client for Lykke.Service.BlockchainEventsHandler API
Client for Lykke.Service.MicrographCache API
Client for Lykke.Service.AssetDisclaimers API
Client for Lykke.Service.PayCallback API