Top 20 NuGet Packages

Object Document Mapping for Lucene.Net
Glass & Sitecore 6.6 extensions for Lucinq 2.9
Glass extensions for Lucinq Sitecore Integration
Glass extensions for Lucinq Sitecore Integration
Skybrud.Lucene.TermExtractor is a small library to extract terms from an Umbraco Lucene Index. You can use it, if you for example, want to make a auto-suggestion-searchword function on your website (ala
Map objects to Lucene.Net Documents and vice versa. Query for Documents based on their mapped types.
Fluent API to drive
Sitecore extensions for the Lucinq API
Fluent API to drive
Lucene.NET extension (derived searcher) with simplified (and correct!) facet behaviour
Store your Lucene.NET files in a SQLServer database. No more need for a shared file system when operatring in a webfarm.
A Directory to store the index files in LiteDB database to secure the indexed data with LiteDb password.
Provides a Lucene.Net index Directory which persists data in Azure Blobs. Use the 0.* packages when you need to target Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob, and the 1.x packages when the newer Azure.Storage.Blobs is to be targeted.
Building queries with Lucene's API can be a bit of a pain, if not at least verbose. This library tries to make writing queries as simple as possible using the Fluent interface pattern.