Top 20 NuGet logging Packages

Serilog adapter for the Compose.Logging framework.
An additional library to handle logging for Cimpress.Nancy
Smartunicom Shared Library - Framework - Logging
CloudLog .NET Client
Logging aspect using PostSharp
LogJam provider + integration for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
LogJam integration with ASP.NET Core
The NLog sink for Cosmos.Logging.
The Log4Net sink for Cosmos.Logging.
The Exceptionless sink for Cosmos.Logging.
The Autofac extension library for integrating NancyFX with Cosmos.Logging.
The base library for integrating console for Cosmos.Logging.
The base library for integrating Microsoft ASP.NET Core MVC for Cosmos.Logging.
Cosmos.Logging extension for ORM SqlSugar 4.x.
Cosmos.Logging extension for ORM Microsoft EntityFrameworkCore.
CodeGenHero is an amazing Visual Studio extension that enhances developer productivity via code generation. This package should be added to projects that are the target of CodeGenHero templates that use log4net logging.
*TestBase* gives you a flying start with - fluent assertions that are easy to extend - sharp error messages - tools to help you test with “heavyweight” dependencies on - AspNetCore.Mvc, AspNet.Mvc or WebApi Contexts - HttpClient - Ado.Net - Streams & Logging TestBase.Mvc is renamed ...