Top 20 NuGet logging Packages

[experimental] View live system logs as an OWIN dashboard
A simple logging library
A logging abstraction
JSimple logging API, behind which different loggers can be supplied. Based off of SLF4J
JSimple logging implementation, based off of logback
SmtpClient wrapper to simplify monitoring of sending emails
Rock logger.
Core utilities
log4net logging extension for Obvs
NLog Logging Component for Application Framework
AnyLog core library
NLog adapter for AnyLog
WFC behavior to log soap messages and headers with log4net only by configuration. No need to change you code. The logging will be done at info level. The package will add the behavior extention to your canfig, to use it on endpoint add: behaviorConfiguration="log4NetBehavior" .NET core notifier
An open source custom flexible logger for .NET apps, supporting text files, windows forms controls and more... Project URL:
A simple Singleton implementation of Log4Net Logger. Package will add required settings in web.config and add a folder Configuration at root, which will contain config for log4net. It also install Log4Net package. Once installed, we can use it by : CodeNode.Logging.Logger.Instance.Info("Message"...