Top 20 NuGet logging Packages

Utilitarios para la escritura en bitácora
Send SMS messages through Twilio when new errors occur on
Provides some commonly utilized tools for running AWS Lambda functions including CloudFormation Custom Resource creation, logging convenience methods for CloudWatch, Kinesis Firehose events, SNS S3 event messages, and SageMaker inference responses.
Create a card on Trello when a new error is logged on
You can save your log information to cloud and you can search and filter them. For more details please contact by [email protected]
This Library Contains Implementations of IEntityService,Logging and Transaction Interception based on EFCore
LibLog for lower c# version.
Let you use your browser as a log target from any Asp.Net Core application.
This library defines a simple pattern for producing and representing reportable application events.
A singleton logging component. Simple to use, lots of flexibility. Writes to a user-specified log and path, and optionally sends email. Can also write logs to a SQL Server database, with optional audit log. T-SQL files included. For .NET Core 2.0+, .NET Standard 2.0+, .NET Framework 4.6.1+
A very simple library for redacting sensitive information from strings
Visual Studio solution template for Web Api .NET Core 2.2 solutions with Dapper ORM and FluentMigrator.
Temiicore logging with serilog
Simple MediatR pipeline behavior that creates a Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger scope logging start, finish and failure events including ellapsed time.
Provides static methods for utilizing NLog
MongoDB appender for log4net
A utility library in .Net Standard 2.1 to add Serilog logging to Xpandables.Standards.