Top 20 NuGet logging Packages

Microsoft SQL Server Exceptions extension/enricher for Cosmos.Logging.
Sqlite Exceptions extension/enricher for Cosmos.Logging.
PostgreSql Exceptions extension/enricher for Cosmos.Logging.
Oracle Exceptions extension/enricher for Cosmos.Logging.
MySqlConnector Exceptions extension/enricher for Cosmos.Logging.
MySQL Exceptions extension/enricher for Cosmos.Logging.
EntityFramework Core Exceptions extension/enricher for Cosmos.Logging.
EntityFramework Exceptions extension/enricher for Cosmos.Logging.
Cosmos.Logging extension for PostgreSql ADO.NET Provider.
Cosmos.Logging extension for NodaTime.
A very good logging library. You should use it.
A simple implementation of a destructurer for Mongo exceptions.
Common libraries to handle logging, exceptions and file manipulation
Gaspra.Logging package has been designed and created to easily allow you more control over your logging. Providing the ability to use the dotnet core logging framework and control how logs and their relevant information are serialized.
Microsoft Host extension for Cosmos Logging.
Microsoft Dependency Injection extension for Cosmos Logging.
Cosmos.Logging extension for CorrelationId.
Custom target for NLog enabling you to send logging messages to the Sentry logging service.