Top 20 NuGet logger Packages

Common App logger for File, SQL, DocumentDb, MongoDB
A Basic but Expandable Logging Library Written in c#
Simple implementations of DI, Mediator (or CQRS), Logger, JSON Serializer/Deserializer and Mapper
A multithreaded logging system which allows colored console output on windows via ANSI color code interpretation. Also includes helpful widgets for console UIs like; progress bars, spinners, countdowns, & type restricted user prompts.
AppEngine a cross-platform library and supports a logging API that works with a variety of built-in and third-party logging providers.
Ulteam helper library
Ascetic aggregative repeater for loggers etc. - Configure and Control vectors; - It can also be splitted within the domain; Used in SobaScript, E-MSBuild, vsSolutionBuildEvent, ... ======================================= gnt /p:ngpackages="LS...
a simple file logger for csharp app.
It's a simple wrapper to use Serilog
New version targets .net Core 2.1
Log all that needs logging, discrads the rest
It provides logging facility for any input string
Logs text to console
Library to log text to console
Library to log text to console
Basic logger in XML format.
Logeo de errores para multi proveedores.