Top 20 NuGet library Packages

Steema Numerics is a new suite of .NET 5.0 assemblies designed to facilitate the integration of Machine Learning in the analaysis of your data.
Steema Numerics is a new suite of .NET 5.0 assemblies designed to facilitate the integration of Machine Learning in the analaysis of your data.
A C# library with useful features for .NET Applications.
A light weight Winforms Library to Generate Awesome styled reports Using C#, HTML and CSS
NW.UnivariateForecasting is a library to perform Univariate Forecasting on your own values. Time Series Forecasting is a machine learning technique that aims to predict the next values in a time series when a subset of subsequent values is provided ("sliding window").
A library that can support multiple .net frameworks, and its interface is similar to Microsoft Scripting Runtime of VB6.
BizTalk.Factory's micro pipeline's micro components for general purpose BizTalk Server development.
Open-source library to Export and Import Excel files data
Extensions for Gizza Projects
Provides protections against LDAP Injection.
A robust library of .NET utilities
A robust library of .NET utilities
"loose" file XAML Resource for Metro UI's. All icons taken from "Modern UI Icons" created by Austin Andrews
Redbridge Xamarin Forms MVVM portable client SDK library for iOS
.net wrapper for BreweryDb API
An async wrapper library for the Pinterest API
.NET SQLServer Data Access, Object Relational Mapper and Caching Library
Common libraries