Top 20 NuGet lib Packages

EonLib. Description package implementations.
EonLib. Data type system components.
EonLib. Persistence entity reference key provider(s) for Npgsql.
EonLib. Persistence entity reference key provider components.
EonLib. Data filter components.
EonLib core components (level C).
EonLib. Run control component.
EonLib. Component Model: Properties.
EonLib. Dependency XInstance-components.
EonLib. Dependency abstractions.
EonLib. Dependency implementations.
EonLib. Asynchronous operator components.
EonLib. Annotation components.
EonLib. Activation servant XInstance-component.
NuGetPackageFolderOverride - a way to override your packages folder. NOTE: Unsupported functionality. There be dragons in there! You've been warned.
NuGetPackageUpdater - global update of a package in a project or all packages that have updates. This applies a global update of packages to your solution. Every project that is using a package is upgraded to the latest. Please run 'Update-Package' to upgrade all packages to current version. Plea...
just for dry
This is the package contains for Restaurant for sale tools
The package contains Restaurant Service Agent Dlls