Top 20 NuGet learning Packages

Get related values to a word or list of words in different languages
ML.NET Code Generator
F# bindings for MXNet
This library is created to provide an easy control over deep learning neural network
Infer.NET is a framework for running Bayesian inference in graphical models. It can also be used for probabilistic programming. This package contains visualization tools for exploring and analyzing models on Windows platform.
ML.NET featurizers with native code implementation
AIOne is the first step of an Artificial Intelligence which is to detect language
MxNet MKL CPU Redistributed package for MxNet.Sharp library.
MxNet MKL GPU for Cuda 10.1 Redistributed package for MxNet.Sharp library.
MxNet MKL GPU for Cuda 10 Redistributed package for MxNet.Sharp library.
MxNet CPU Redistributed package for MxNet.Sharp library.
MxNet CPU Redistributed package for MxNet.Sharp library.
MxNet CPU Linux Redistributed package for MxNet.Sharp library.
MxNet Redistributed package for MxNet.Sharp library.
MxNet GPU for Cuda 9.2 Redistributed package for MxNet.Sharp library.
MxNet Redistributed package for MxNet.Sharp library.
MxNet GPU for Cuda 8.0 Redistributed package for MxNet.Sharp library.
MxNet Redistributed package for MxNet.Sharp library.
MxNet Redistributed package for MxNet.Sharp library.
MxNet CPU Linux Redistributed package for MxNet.Sharp library.