Top 20 NuGet linq Packages

With linq2indexeddb developpers can add, update, delete and search data on an easy way without having to think how to put up an connection, handeling transaction, etc. For now this project is still in development, so everything is subject to change. Now only the basic CRUD operations are supp...
With this little helper you can project in you LINQ Select() using expressions not written inside the LINQ query. This opens the door for expressions reuse.
Dynamic Linq Query Builder base on Expressions (core). Excellent PrepareQuery method with QueryParams
A LINQ IQueryable provider that targets translation of LINQ expressions into Pig-like languages.
Easy-to-use and high performance dynamic sorting library supporting SQL-like syntax and complex/nested expressions, that uses System.Linq.Expression to dynamically build fast comparers.
A single C# file that can be embedded to provide alternate ways to invoke TryParse methods from .NET Framework for use in expressions and functional code like LINQ queries.
Reads and writes a data table in text format such as CSV, TSV, and space-delimited text. Also provides a way to bind each row to user defined class, so that user can easily create instances from a text table.
Simple implementation of the specification pattern. Expression tree based implementation of the specification pattern.
CustomExtensions - Custom Extension Methods For C# This is an open-source library of C# extension methods used to add functionality to commonly used classes and to enhance LINQ.
C# source implementation that enhances LINQ to Objects with the method ToHashSet. Returns a of the source items using the default equality comparer for the type.
Wrappers and extensions to the .NET collections and LINQ.
A library with IQueryable extensions.
QueryScope was inpired by the gem has_scope for Rails. QueryScope will filter any IQueryable<T> based on the current request variables and any custom named scopes applied.
Samples for LinqToWiki.
A simple .NET assembly that provides an object-relational mapping abstraction layer for geodatabase feature classes and tables. It converts features and rows into a (lazy) sequence of strongly-typed objects. *Requires ArcGIS Desktop, Engine or Server 10.0, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5, 10.6, 10.7, ...
Use LINQ query operators with Microsoft .NET Chart Controls (
This project provides extension methods that extend the existing set available in LINQ.
Mennion.Common provides useful code for developing asp net mvc projects
Unofficial fork of the Mongo C# Driver v1.8.1 that supports loosely typed linq queries and explicit boolean comparisons against method call expressions
xMap is an object mapping framework that allows you to compose and reuse Linq projections within Entity Framework queries.