Top 20 NuGet key Packages

Entity Key Finder
A very simple library that encrypts and decrypts using a string key. The ICrypter is provided in case the implementor wants to create a different set of encryption and decryption algorithms, and would like to use a cryptography service in Core's DI in an application.
A unique ID generator.
Cache and MultiIndexCache
Asymetric Key Converter
Basic models and interfaces
Azure Vault SDK used to fetch secrets from Azure Key Vault
Wrapper for Global Key Hooks based on an example from Microsoft.
PKCS #1/PKCS #8 RSA key ASN.1 encoder/decoder for C#.
Provides the ability to more intuitively connect Parent-Child relationships via Callback methods.
Allows you to capture keyboard keys and mouse buttons inputs, along with the ability to "eat" them. WPF-oriented.
A command-line tool to enable authentication of Azure Vault when developing in local environment. For example when VSCode Remote Containers are used this utility can be run to enable the authentication. This tool is only functional for Docker Containers or Kubernetes cluster running locally.
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Provides access to GetAsyncKeyState and GetKeyboardState by implementing a complete managed wrapper.
IoC friendly C# .netstandard2.0 library for symmetric cryptographic operations.
Provides access to GetInputManager and GetKeyboardState by implementing a complete managed wrapper.