Top 20 NuGet json Packages

DapperMapper will ease your Data Management in Microsoft SQL SERVER and and Sqlite with the same interface. We provide Bulkinsert from JSON file in the package named "JSONAM" ease as one line of code to insert millions record to the supported database.
This package implements the Serialization provider contracts for serializers supported in full ASP.NET 4.5 framework
A model binder for ASP.NET Core which allows you to bind to JToken (so JArray and JObject are covered) from either application/json or from an html form post
Fast serializer supporting multiple formats targetting game developers
Behavior that handles a token un message header, between request
Basic tools for authentication
Elm inspire encoder and decoder for JSON targetting .Net and NetCore runtime
This package implements the Dynamic Serialization of json objects
Common JSON Utilities
Synapse Rpc System Base RabbitMQ
An abstraction layer over System.Net.Http.HttpClient providing a flexible way to test/inject/mock HttpClient instances.
JSON serializer for SlackSharp(Slack API client library for C#) with Utf8Json.
A library for writing RSS 2.0, ATOM 1.0 and JSON feed files. From a common definition of feeds, RSS 2.0, ATOM 1.0 and JSON feed files can be written. Very useful when generating a static website and is for instance used by StigsBlogGenerator.
Base And Frequently-used Tools Library
Toolbox for working with Elmish applications
API Client for InvoiceXpress online invoicing software.
A library for easily parsing, transforming and converting JSON for F#
Json comparer for multiple inputs (string, JObject, object)