Top 20 NuGet json Packages
.NET API wrapper and authentication package for the API.
.NET wrapper and API implementation for the Facebook Graph API.
Provides various classes that assist with .NET Core 3 unit testing.
Json file manager, includes CRUD of json file
The C++ REST SDK built specifically for Luminix' use. NOT AN OFFICIAL BUILD.
Authentication and service implementation for the Slack API.
Allow users to easily create Google API Service authenticated objects with JSON or P12 files. json serializer for dependency injection service
Type-safe, easy and power configuration framework for .NET developers
RAML and OAS (swagger) parser for .Net
Authentication and service implementation for the Steam Web API.
This is an optional meta-package which includes all "X4D Diagnostics TraceListener" implementations such as ConsoleTraceListener and UdpJsonTraceListener. You can reference individual trace listener packages if preferred, see package dependencies for a list.
Provides a "UDP Trace Listener" implementation which emits trace events formatted using JSON.
This is the YARM converter.
A lightweight mono 3.5 compatible connector to the legacy firebase api. See
Add default handling for System.Numerics.Vectors
Easy-to-use VK (originally VKontakte) API schema parser that gives you back a bunch of ordinary .NET objects kindly prepared for futher processing
.Net library to handle updating entities at the field level