Top 20 NuGet json Packages

Implementation of the json format for REST level 3 services.
Implementation of the HAL+json format for REST level 3 services.
C# JWKs - JSON Web Keys (RFC7517)
This package adds custom json serializer settings and contract resolvers for wide use in many concerns.
Provides an extension method "PrettyDump" on JSON-related classes to provide a nice representation of JSON in LINQPad.
Small library to implement migration methods for classes serialized and stored as JSON
A JSON serializer/deserializer library written in pure C#.
Utilitário para consumir api JSON
Json flatter/unflatter based on Newtonsoft.Json object model
Simple and flexible REST client built on top of Microsoft's System.Net.HttpClient.
RQL.NET is a resource query language for .NET intended for use with REST apps. It provides a simple, hackable api for creating dynamic sql queries from user submitted JSON.
EPiSerializer a helper tool to serialize EPiServer Content
A shorthand tool built on top of Newtonsoft Json.NET
Smaller and faster C# JSON serialization tool
A shorthand tool built on top of Newtonsoft Json.NET