Top 20 NuGet json Packages

Simplify.Web JSON controller response and model binder
Utf8Json ASP.NET Core Mvc Input/Output Formatter.
.NET Standard implementation of the United Kingdom's HMRC UK Tax legislation.
Represents a connection to Json data. Shared Plugin for all versions of FastReport product: FastReport .NET, FastReport.Core, FastReport.OpenSource, FastReport.WPF, FastReport.Avalonia. Requirements: Any FastReport 2024.2.7.0+ package, NuGet Client 3.4.4+
Multiple ASP.NET Core utilities, including email, configuration, access to HTTP headers, etc.
扩展 邮件 Json 序列化 POST Get 枚举 验证 config文件操作
Utility for walking of JSON and XML for merge and diff proposes
JSON, XML, Database, CSV, EDI and Excel Data Mapper (Runtime Library). Download Liquid Data Mapper from the project page.
Release of the conizi semantic models implemented in C#.
.NET library for parsing and generating JSON documents
Web API exceptions and model state errors handler, returning a standard json response
Use DalSoft.RestClient with ASP.NET Core In-Memory Test Server for integration tests.
The library allows to create complex batch / workflow using fluent syntax. The library is .Net Standard 2.0 and included more common work task like Database source and destination, text source and destination, xml source and destination, loop work task, conditional work task, Excel source, json sour...
Module to add REST-based webservices to a GenHTTP project.
Abbotware Interop Library for Newtonsoft libraries - Contains helper methods, extension methods, and plugins
Avro to JSON converter tool.
A .NET implementation of Amazon Ion.
The Stimulsoft BI platform provides a full-featured back-end solution for your .NET application. API provides access to the main functions of the system and automates user actions. You can use this API in conjunction with Stimulsoft Cloud and Stimulsoft Server.
.NET Core json:api implementation