Top 20 NuGet js Packages

Enables DotLess, Minification (via AjaxMin) and bundling of your css and js files via an xml configuration file
Combine and Compress JavaScript and CSS files on any WebForms or MVC application with zero modifications to the webforms/views. Requires minimal configuration. No need to change the way you include the js and css resources on your pages. Simply decorate your action methods with [Combiner(...)] attri...
undoable.js is licensed under the Apache license 2.0. Please see LICENSE for more detail.
CoffeeScript is a little language that compiles into JavaScript.
This project allows you to provide any web application with views, stylsheets and scripts embedded in an assembly by using the virtual file system of ASP.NET.
The ASP.NET MVC 4 integration with Frappe. Frappe is a compile time bundler for JavaScript, Css, and Less for high volume, high performance ASP.NET sites.
ASP.NET WEB程序的优化功能,可以优化js/css文件。而且可以对原文件名进行加密。当你发布后,访问资源将自动压缩混淆代码。再次访问将从缓存中读取。 使用方法:Web.config中:<add namespace="ExfSoft.Web.Optimization"/>; 网页中: @Scripts.Render("~/packages/jquery") @Scripts.Build("~/Scripts/abc-{version}.js") @Scripts.Build("~/Scripts/test1.js", new { attr = "value" }) @Styles.Bui...
A javascript library for easily translating a UTC time to a "Wall Time" for a particular time zone and back.
Simple overlay instructions for your apps.
Cookie is a JavaScript library that proposes an abstraction the document.cookie API, designed to make cookies management simple and easy.
Arg.js gives you quick and easy access to parameters in the URL.
Teddy Mocks is a simple, light-weight mock framework designed for TypeScript developers. It is type safe, refactorable, uses lambda-syntax, and supports the AAA style of unit testing. Teddy Mocks should feel familiar to .NET developers who like frameworks such as Moq.
Northwind Starter Kit
Northwind Starter Kit VIsual Basic
Extension for NancyFx
A .NET library to convert Html to JavaScript.
Pickup Framework in construction for unobstrusive javascript 1 package : add of kendo grid
Converts the resx files in the project to corresponding .js files.
Provides server side configurations to available on client side. Documentation:
Dynamic character count for text areas and input fields.