Top 20 NuGet jquery Packages

Ease jQuery UI development with the Fluqi fluent interface library.
A jQuery plugin to create google maps with advanced features (overlays, clusters, callbacks, events...).
A well-documented table plugin for jQuery which uses Ajax/JSON to fetch items. Supports jQueryUI, paging, theming and searching.
A simple/powerful approach for doing client-side templating with Mustache.js and jQuery.
Allows getting the content written by script files which use the document.write() method. Originally created to support the SignalR chat sample application when adding content providers for reading entries from pastie or git. Sample usage: $('<div/>').captureDocumentWrite('
Creates a "selected" function that you can use with a <select> object and jQuery to fire off a custom function when an item is selected. $('#MyDropDown').selected(function() { //Do Whatever... });
A .NET rendering engine for jquery-tmpl templates
The Razor Client Templates library allows you to reuse your Partial Razor Views as client side (JavaScript) templates.
A client script for transforming URLs into embed code.
There is a situation that we need user to confirm before they proceed their action. You don’t want to accidently delete very important information. So I come up the idea to extend the bootstrap modal popup to create a confirm modal before calling the function to delete some stuff.
Zepto.js is a minimalist JavaScript framework for modern web browsers, with a jQuery-compatible syntax.
jQuery Simulate is a plugin to simulate browser mouse and keyboard real events. This plugin leveraged the jQuery UI Automated tests to another level, giving the possibility to create automated scripts to test UI components (drag, drop, sortables, etc).
Table QuickSearch - JQuery Plugin
Table QuickSearch - JQuery Plugin use: $('TableSelector).quickSearch({ searchField: '#qsearch', //der Container in dem das Inputfeld für die Suche erstellt wird });
Beinhaltet unterschiedliche jQuery Plugins: 1. quickSearch -> Filtert Tabellen Zeile für Zeile nach einem eingegebenen Suchbegriff und zeigt nur die Zeilen an die dem Suchbegriff entsprechen --> z.B. aufzurufen mit: $('.tableClass').quickSearch(); --> Für Parameter di...
- auf dem Modernizr wird nur der Test für touch benötigt, hier kann man also auch seine eigene Version erstellen und nutzen. - Auf einem Gerät was Touch verwendet, kann einfach per swipeleft oder swiperight auf dem Slider selbst zur nächsten Folie gewechselt werden - Einfach alle js und css Dateien ...
With linq2indexeddb developpers can add, update, delete and search data on an easy way without having to think how to put up an connection, handeling transaction, etc. For now this project is still in development, so everything is subject to change. Now only the basic CRUD operations are supp...
TimelineJS: A Storytelling Timeline built in JavaScript
A small library for mapping HTML5 data attributes to jQuery AJAX request objects.