Top 20 NuGet ioc Packages

Wrapper for using LightInject with TopShelf
Tiny DI lib
Autofac IOC Factory help object
Reusable Business Logic Library for writing Accounting applications
Dependency Injection utilities for use with DangrLib.
OrionInject is a Lightweight and a Simple IOC container
Micro-DI Framework for net standard
Setup defaultimplementations via attributes and support simple and automatic resolution
M2.NET is a .NET library created by Miracle He based on DDD, Web API and Asp.Net Mvc.
Defaultimplementation functionality for castle windsor container.
A rest helper for Bridge.Net
Wiring attributes used by ES.IoC for marking up infrastructure components of a program.
IoC system that supports creating bootstrap.cs files for Release mode builds.
Json configuration provider for .net dependency injection
Package Description
A not so fancy IoC container that works.