Top 20 NuGet ioc Packages

Simple thread safe IOC container
Smart IoC library. Core IoC component
Prism6 Integration for DContainer
CodeCop Setup Autofac container adapter
CodeCop Setup Castle.Windsor container adapter
CodeCop Setup Ninject container adapter
CodeCop Setup StructureMap container adapter
CodeCop Setup Unity container adapter
Implementation of Reusable Library Abstractions Dependency Resolver (IoC) for Unity. LifetimeManagers: WorkItem, WebRequest.
A convention that will resolve a type when it is the only implementation for a requested interface or abstract type that has not been explicitly registered.
Simple event aggregator/messenger for .net applications
Caelan Framework for class building
Primary support library for Xamarin apps utilizing Saitama for IoC management - Alpha
Primary support module for Saitama on Android
Lambda Container is a lightweight Inversion of Control (IoC) container suitable for small to medium size .Net solutions. This packages provides a one-line integration with WebApi dependency resolver.
Source code for DryIoc integration with ASP.NET SignalR
ILogInject.Unity enables the Unity IOC container to inject a CommonLogging.ILog class logger into a registered class.
This package will install a service around an existing Entity Framework model.
Lambda Container is a lightweight Inversion of Control (IoC) container suitable for small to medium size .Net solutions. This packages provides integration with WebApi combined with Owin.
Extension for the Unity IoC container that makes it easy to track IDisposable instances created during Resolve(), in order to dispose of them cleanly.