Top 20 NuGet io Packages

A .NET version of the libmspack libmspack library that enables programatically reading and extracting the content of Microsoft cab files.
A simple library to improve file IO that includes path normalization and easier ways to create directory trees
A Migration provider for Cabinet. Allows files to be migrated from one Cabinet to another i.e. FileSystem to S3.
Upload support for Cabinet.
Nequeo IO component
Allows you to create and delete files and directories in a PCL or in an Android or UWP project
IO Operation Helper tool and extension
IO generic repository pattern abstraction
Unofficial FolderPath plugins for Xamarin
Library for handling full read, write, and creation of INI Files.
A library of actors for working with the filesystem in a more convenient way.
Contains testing utilities for Spectre.System.
A library containing cross platform abstractions for environments and IO.
A minimal set of File and Directory tools to handle long paths in UNC shares and NTFS drives. For Windows only. Enables handling of 32k length paths, where .Net is limited to ~250
This package provides support for manipulating files in transactions.
Printer helper