Top 20 NuGet interception Packages

Stub Package to redirect to the new package name [DynamicObjectProxy]
DynamicObjectProxy that lets you intercept any methods of any object and adding decorations. Inspired by CBO Extender by Gary H. Guo
Allows you to for instance log all method calls or log all exceptions without having to change any of your classes.
A library for intercepting EntityFramework actions, like insert, update and delete.
All interfaces used by ModuleInject.
Common functionality required by ModuleInject.
Package Description
This library integrates ServiceBridge with ASP.NET MVC 5 controllers.
This library provides extension to integration ServiceBridge with WCF services.
This library integrates ServiceBridge with ASP.NET web pages and user controls.
This library integrates ServiceBridge with ASP.NET WebApi 5 controllers.
This library contains interceptors for service interception.
Performance Counter measurements facilitated by Castle Interceptors.
Automatic trace logging through Serilog that is instrumented by Unity.Interception.
Customizable Pipeline (think WCF Messageinterception, ASP Net MVC Middleware)
Wrappers around simple injector that provide also interception facility using castle
A utility library in .Net Standard 2.1 to easily add patterns such as Command, Query, Disptacher, Interception..and use of Optional.
The package adds interception to the default dependency injection container.
This project is an adapation of StructureMap.DynamicInterception. This Project is a workaround to support dynamic interceptions with Lamar as interceptors are not supported yet natively by Lamar.
The package adds interception to the default dependency injection container based on DispatchProxy.