Top 20 NuGet input Packages

BufferIO is an extensible big-endian oriented byte buffer with pooling support and additional binary read and write streams.
Input provides specialized editors including auto-complete, combo-box, text-box, and a custom drop-down.
FlexGrid is a data grid which displays the information in a tabular view.
ComponentOne Android Input ライブラリには、C1TextBox や C1AutoCompleteTextBox などの特殊な入力コントロールが含まれています。
Input は、オートコンプリート、コンボボックス、テキストボックス、カスタムドロップダウンなどの特殊なエディターを提供します。
ComponentOne iOS Input ライブラリには、C1TextBox や C1AutoCompleteTextBox などの特殊な入力コントロールが含まれています。
C1FlexGrid コントロールは、情報を表形式で表示するデータグリッドです。
Installs the assemblies required for InfragisticsWPF.Controls.Editors.XamDateTimeInput.dll
Allows you to simulate global mouse and keyboard events. Features: - Supports scan codes and multi-language input. - Supports WPF/WinForms/Console windows apps. - Supports .NET Standard, .Net Core and .Net 5/6. Supported OS: - Windows
Package Description
Silk.NET is a high-speed, advanced library, providing bindings to popular low-level APIs such as OpenGL, OpenCL, OpenAL, OpenXR, GLFW, SDL, Vulkan, Assimp, and DirectX.
Bonsai Windows Library containing reactive interfaces to the standard operating system input devices.
A simple but flexible parameter validation library.
Provides common classes and controls for ComponetOne UWP controls. Includes Input, Editor, PopUp, CollectionView, and more.
Controls for specialized input, including phone numbers, percentages, numerical ranges, and files.
The API for accessing content file systems created by the Gorgon Editor from an application. It can also be used to create plug ins for the Editor application.
InputPanel for WinForms is a container control that can automatically generate input forms using nineteen native data input controls. InputPanel makes it easy to create and maintain input forms.
Input for WinForms includes controls that support formatting, validation, custom styles and data binding.
ComponentOne Input for WinForms には、マスク入力、フォーマット、検証、視覚スタイル、およびデータバインディングをサポートする入力コントロールが含まれています。 【本パッケージは日本語版製品です】