Top 20 NuGet inmemory Packages

EventBus outbox integration and eventually consistency in microservice architectures.
SqlInMemory is a library for creating SqlServer database on Memory instead of hard disk, at last Drops and Disposes database when you're done with it. This is useful for Integration Testing.
Develop applications using Sider IO with this library. It provides strong typed commands and events for receiving and sending messages.
Simple InMemory ranked search
EFCore persistence library, abstracting and simplifying dbcontext sql server database integration
EFCore persistence library, abstracting and simplifying dbcontext Postgres database integration
EFCore persistence library, abstracting and simplifying dbcontext in-memory database integration
Provider agnostic transaction sharing for Entity Framework Core; types specific to the in-memory provider.
AnyCache .Net and .Net Core InMemmory caching provider.
Fixed size tagged log located in memory
Fixed size tagged log located in memory
Provides in memrory cache feature
The in-memory implementation for the generic repository.
An in-memory implementation of a simple publish/subscribe service bus
Easily spin up Redis instances for integration tests in .NET
In memory stores for MR.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework6.