Top 20 NuGet identityserver4 Packages

Entity Framework storage for Rsk.WsFederation
KVLite is a partition-based key-value cache built for SQL RDBMSs. This package contains an IdentityServer4 cache provider.
Package Description
WS-Federation support for IdentityServer, allowing WS-Federation identity provider functionality. To purchase a license or get a demo license, contact [email protected].
Package Description
DbContexts and Identity entities for the administration of the IdentityServer4 and Asp.Net Core Identity
IdentityServer4 V4.1.1 extension grant implementation to exchange external tokens for IdentityServer access tokens. Includes implementation for popular social logins such as google, facebook, linkedin and twitter.
MicroService based on IdentityServer4 + Azure API Management
An HttpClient service that makes it easy to make authenticated HTTP requests to protected by IdentityServer4 resources.
DynamoDb Store for operational data of Identity Server 4
Extension for IdentityServer 4 in order to use LDAP as a plugin. It is also extensible enough in order to use custom LDAP schema such as OpenLdap or Active Directory.
Uses Azure Blob and Table Storage services as an alternative to Entity Framework/SQL data access for IdentityServer4.
OAuthServer.NET is a simple yet scalable OAuth 2.0 provider for the 4 standard types of OAuth 2.0 as well as custom grants. OAuthServer.NET supports implicit, authorization code, resource owner password, and client credentials as well as 3rd party logins. OAuthServer.NET is integrated with the Asp.N...
OAuthServer.NET is a simple yet scalable OAuth 2.0 provider for the 4 standard types of OAuth 2.0 as well as custom grants. OAuthServer.NET supports implicit, authorization code, resource owner password, and client credentials as well as 3rd party logins. OAuthServer.NET is integrated with the Asp.N...
Extension for IdentityServer 4 in order to use LDAP as a plugin. It is also extensible enough in order to use custom LDAP schema such as OpenLdap or Active Directory.
Uses Azure Blob and Table Storage services as an alternative to Entity Framework/SQL data access for IdentityServer4.
This project provides a Dapper implementation of UserStore and RoleStore, to be used with Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.
NHibernate persistence layer for IdentityServer4.
SAML 2.0 (SAML2P) support for IdentityServer4, providing SAML 2.0 Identity Provider and Service Provider functionality. To purchase a license or get a demo, please contact [email protected].