Top 20 NuGet identity Packages

Middlewares for the Ural Boilerplate project.
All the identity tables you need are here, all the relationships are created and you just have to use them. Some tables and fields were added to this package, such as Firstname, Lastname, etc. to the User Table, such as UserSocialNetwork, WebsiteInformation, etc. to the project as default. More info...
DrON port of ASP.NET Boilerplate
DrON port of ASP.NET Boilerplate
Provides extension methods for user's identity. (Get User ID and Generate JWT)
Express Micro Permissions allows you to micro manage user defined permissions. Create permissions and permission groups and assign to users. It works with EF Core and SQL Server
Intregration SQL Server database with repository pettern and also losely couple code.
A compatibility layer for sharing identity databases between Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework and Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.EntityFrameworkCore.
IdentityServer3 Access Token Validation Integration Library for ASP.NET Core
ASP.NET Core Identity is the membership system for building ASP.NET Core web applications, including membership, login, and user data. ASP.NET Core Identity allows you to add login features to your application and makes it easy to customize data about the logged in user.
Core classes
.Net library create random identities that include Name, Address, City, State, Zip, SSN and Date of Birth.
This package contains the main assembly for the Azure Authentication Library (AAL). AAL provides easy to use authentication functionality for your .NET client apps by taking advantage of Windows Azure Active Directory.
A collection of nuget console power shell extensions to work with Local STS
This package provides an assembly containing classes which extend the .NET Framework 4.5 with the necessary logic that extends token validation to check that the signer of a token and the issuer of the token are a valid pair. This capability can be applied both within the Windows Identity Foundation...