Top 20 NuGet identity Packages

ASP.NET Core Identity implementation for LiteDB database engine.
Based Librame.AspNetCore.IdentityServer.Abstractions with the Web extension package.
The Pages Web for Librame.AspNetCore.Identity
Based Librame.AspNetCore.Identity.Abstractions with the Web extension package.
A Cosmos storage provider for ASP.NET Core Identity.
Contains members store, roles store and password hashe for accessing umbraco members via AspNet Core Identity with no umbraco lib
ei8 Cortex Identity Access Common
A CAS client for ASP.NET Core web applications that supports CAS protocol versions 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0.
Shared base classes and repos designed to help making custom ASP.NET Core components
Entity Framework extensions for the Architect.Identities package. Release notes: 2.1.0: - The ConfigureDecimalIdTypes() extension method now truncates needless trailing zeros received from the database provider (`123.0` => `123`), as is the ...
This library Extends the HttpContext to provide a simple approach to get userInfo associted with a user account. HttpContext.GetUserInfoAsync() In startup you can configure your namespaced UserInfo Extensions based upon the rules setup in Auth0
Provides you with methods of getting identities from popular socials.
IRIMC Identity utitlity to help developers faster coding.
Package to bootstrap IdentityServer4 SSO
Package to bootstrap IdentityServer4 SSO
IPasswordHasher implementation for Asp.Net Identity
ASP.NET Identity implementation for Cassandra
dapper for identity