Top 20 NuGet ios Packages

Easily have file system access from shared code using a common interface. Used by other plugins like JsonCache.
Support for running v2 tests on the UI thread
The mobile application Framework for Xamarin.
A casual view that has several common type. Supports Android and iOS
Plugin Description
Show furigana japanese character in xamarin.Forms
Node Pushnotifications (node-pushnotifications) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Rx binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
.NET and Xamarin libraries for the AeroGear Mobile Core
Helper plugin for the azure blob storage container client
.NET and Xamarin libraries for the AeroGear Mobile Core
TMapViews.MvxPlugins adds some MvvmCross functionality to TmapViews
Google Analytics Feedback plugin for Xamarin
QRCode rendering for Xamarin.Forms.
Cryoprison provides rootkit (aka jailbreak) detection for Xamarin on iOS and Android
Fork of libvideo. libvideo is a fast, clean way to download YouTube videos. It is fully portable and has no dependencies. Find us on GitHub at
All the necesary nuget references to use sqlite with XPO
XFUtils - Useful Xamarin.Forms utilities