Top 20 NuGet ios Packages

Binding project for Xamarin.iOS. Supported for iOS 8.0 and greater.
Xamarin plugin which gets the local path location for a database file on Android and iOS. This plugin abstracts the platform specific ways in which you derive the local filepath to store data on the phone.
ForinfinityAndBeyondView is an Open Source iOS library that allows developers to easily an automatic scrolling view to their projects. Feel free to use it all you want in your iOS apps provided that you cite this project and include the license in your app
Controls to make your life in Xamarin Forms easier.
Binder is a tool for generating data layers for iOS, Android and other platforms based on your WebAPI Controllers.
Gozer is an Open Source Xamarin iOS library that allows developers to easily create applications with custom fonts and easily works with preloaded labels.
Xamarin iOS Basic Camera Roll Multiple Image Picker Make sure to add these permissions to your info.plist <key>NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription</key> <string>We want to use your photos</string>
Xamarin iOS binding for, used by
DK: iOS platform specific code
AppMetrica — это бесплатный инструмент для трекинга и аналитики вашего приложения. Отчёты по источникам трафика, ключевым показателям мобильного приложения, аудитории, сценариям использования, а также статистика по крэшам — всё это в одном SDK для всех популярных платформ.
Fork of MarkdownSharp, adjusted for use as a portable class library (PCL).
PCLMock is mocking framework in a PCL, making it usable on platforms such as iOS and Android.
This package contains built-in behaviors for Xamarin (Android / iOS) applications and the core classes to create new ones. Get more information about the Behaviors Toolkit for Xamarin at
A storage engine provider for Couchbase Lite .NET that utilizies the ForestDB key-value storage engine
Xamarin.iOS Binding of TTTAttributedLabel
A utility to manage manipulating version & package information in AndroidManifest.xml & Info.plist files. Use it in your build process to easily manipulate bundle information. Note: this package does not require Xamarin to be installed. You do however need mono installed on OSx or ...
Device SDK for Azure IoT Devices
Core of the Saitama IoC injection framework