Top 20 NuGet ioc Packages

A library for easy setup of IoC/Dependency injection for Umbraco with LightInject (compatible with Umbraco Cloud)
Provides a bunch of resolver factories to convert resolved parameters of another type, as well as to retrieve settings from app config.
Shepherd is a highly extendable orchestrator pattern wrapping (SimpleInjector / Microsoft Dependency Injection) in order to help register tasks more easily. Shepherd out of the box help auto-register domain service and create modules for infrastructure registration. Shepered ...
Shepherd is a highly extendable orchestrator pattern wrapping (SimpleInjector / Microsoft Dependency Injection) in order to help register tasks more easily. Shepherd out of the box help auto-register domain service and create modules for infrastructure registration. Shepered ...
Provides extension methods for conveniently decorating Functional.CQS handler implementations with metrics-capturing concerns: - Functional.CQS.IQueryHandler<TQuery, TResult> - Functional.CQS.IAsyncQueryHandler<TQuery, TResult> - Functional.CQS.ICommandHandler<TCommand, TError> - Functional.CQS.IAsy...
Scheduler Quartz.NET for .NET Standard 2.0 - ServiceProdiver job factory
DryIoc adapter for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
A featherweight dependency injector.
XCommon.Translation provides a translation service for Front-End and Back-End applications.
This library exposes the native .NET implementation of Solid Instrument's inversion of control abstraction.
This library exposes the Autofac implementation of Solid Instrument's inversion of control abstraction.
An ultra lightweight Inversion of Control container for the .Net framework. See LightInject.Source for the source distribution.
ServiceResolver.Ioc.SimpleInjector is the implementation of ServiceResolver.Ioc framework, which uses SimpleInjector as underlying injection engine.
ServiceResolver.Ioc.DryIoc is the implementation of ServiceResolver.Ioc framework, which uses DryIoc as underlying injection engine.
Simple but powerful dependency management in .NET Core.
Essence.DependencyInjection provides extensions to the .NET Core DI Provider for Automatic Injection. Continually updated with new features and bugfixes as necessary, commercially supported from Cedita.
This library exposes the native .NET IoC integration for the Solid Instruments RabbitMQ messaging abstractions.
This library exposes the native .NET IoC integration for the Solid Instruments Azure Service Bus messaging abstractions.
This library exposes the native .NET IoC integration for the Solid Instruments messaging abstractions.