Top 20 NuGet ioc Packages

My package description.
KickStart Extension for log4net
Lightweight IoC Container based on service factory delegates generated at compile-time by DryIoc. Compile-time delegate generation minimizes run-time IoC setup time to Zero.
Fluent Assertions extensions for Autofac
Configures packages using Ioc.Modules as a Ninject module
An adapter for using the StructureMap IoC container with Teclyn.
KickStart Extension for Serilog
Canister adds functionality to the IServiceCollection including adding all objects of a certain type, automatic registration of types via modules, etc.
The package Provides a solution for the Repository and UnitOfWork patterns together with inversition of control. On the project site there are examples of Autofact, Castle.Windsor, Ninject, Simpleinjector, StructureMap, and Unity integration. The IoC framework is not an issue... It is ment to...
KickStart Extension for EntityChange library
Puresharp is a Framework that provides the essential APIs to productively build high quality (.NET 4.5.2+ & .NET Core 2.1+) applications through reliability, scalability and performance without no compromise.
Enables PocketContainer to be used to provide dependency injection for ASP.NET Core applications. When using this package, PocketContainer instances can be created from IServiceCollection and implement IServiceProvider.
IPuresharp urbanize libraries with strategic private code to lay transparent foundations for Puresharp API .NET
The core part of the Armature framework, can be used to build your own framework with syntax and features of your choice
Contains extenders for basic types like String and DateTime as well as a simple Rijndael-Encrypter along with an Google-Authenticator implementation. And some more ;-)
Interception feature for expressions based Inversion of Control container for .NET as embedding-in-code package.
CodeMonkeys.DependencyInjection contains core mechanisms for dependency injection.
DryIoc implementation with Autofac surface API
DryIoc adapter for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
The microsoft dependency injection integration library for the singularity ioc container