Top 20 NuGet injection Packages

General purpose .NET assembly modding "basework". This package contains the core IL patcher and relinker.
ASP.NET Core application builder extension which allows Stashbox to be configured as the default service provider.
This package allows Autofac to integrate with the log4net logging framework. The main feature of the package is its Log4NetModule for Autofac.
A Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting IHostBuilder extension, which allows Stashbox to be configured as the default service provider.
Dependency injection support for Akka.NET
MrAdvice allows to weave aspects at build-time (just like PostSharp, but free as in free beer). Write your own aspects in the form of attributes and apply them to target methods or properties.
A simple dependency injection framework
The Unity Application Block (Unity) is a lightweight extensible dependency injection container with support for constructor, property, and method call injection. It facilitates loosely-coupled design. Declarative configuration and registration by convention are supported on selected platforms. This ...
This package contains dependency injection extensions used by other CodeGator packages. Platforms supported: .NET 6.x or above
Simple Annotated Dependency Injection library
Named Services for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
This package allows you to implement ViewModel Navigation and Dependency Injection in a Xamarin.Forms project
Simple dependency injection framework, with built it File, and Xml Logger. Could be configured to work with desktop and web applicatins seamlessly. Includes ability to make xml and json web api calls without having to serialize or deserialize the request and responses.
HttpClient Factory extension for Twino IOC
Plugin that adds a ioc container to duality
Collection of extensions for Microsoft Extensions DI.
Validate the usage of dependency injection at compile time, rather than run time.
Exposes dependency injection modularization.
Small and simple factory. TinyFactory is ready to store and instantiate simple classes. This factory can create new instances of classes or store their references to them.