Top 20 NuGet html Packages

This package will install a MVC's HTML Helper for Bootstrap DatePickers, fully functional with DateTime fields from Models and easy to use, to use in with Bootstrap and Bootstrap.DatePicker's packages. Usage on the View: @Html.DatePickerFor(model => model.Date) If you want to set Data API custom ...
My package description.
My package description.
This will add a few helpers for HTML Helpers; This package can only serve the other HTML Helpers packages that i made and that depend on it. All by itself is a useless package.
This package will install a bunch of HTML Helpers for your MVC Application.
A Bootstrap Themed input HTML Helper for MVC.
Currency HTML Helper for handling decimal currency fields. Uses JQuery for mask.
HTML Helper to add a Bootstrap stylized TextArea control to your MVC page.
User's helper using Bootstrap for MVC
WinJs HTML Template
Northwind Starter Kit
Northwind Starter Kit VIsual Basic
Simple HTML parser
A Bootstrap Themed select HTML Helper for MVC.
A .NET library to convert Html to JavaScript.
Update HTML Lightswtich projects with the javascript files needed for the Spursoft LightSwitch HTML Extension.
DataBind is a simple javascript function that facilitates binding Data from a JSON object to a HTML template. The objective of this script is to enable using templates without introducing any new or invalid syntax and without dictating the way you structure your application. All you need is a single...
HTML Inspector is a highly-customizable, code quality library written in JavaScript to help you write better markup. It aims to find a balance between the uncompromisingly strict W3C validator and having absolutely no rules at all (the unfortunate reality for most of us).