Top 20 NuGet html Packages

This is a port of HtmlAgilityPack library created by Simon Mourrier and Jeff Klawiter for .NET Core platform. This NuGet package supports can be used with Universal Windows Platform, ASP.NET 5 (using .NET Core) and full .NET Framework 4.6. Original description: This is an agile HTML parser that bu...
Wyam is a simple to use, highly modular, and extremely configurable static content generator. This library provides support for minification of HTML, CSS and JavaScript content.
Based on official cloudinary api, moved dotnet core. Contains the original html methods as extension methods
html helpers for audio,video,img tag like (@Html.Image(),@Html.Video(),@Html.Audio())
ExpressCraft.Bootstrap (For Bridge.Net) - Create a Windows Application using ExpressCraft UI and Bridge for the Browser. Handles Modal and Non-Modal Forms - When using Dialogues you can assign call-backs based on the Dialogue Result.
jQuery Validation Plugin include additional-methods.js, localization
NSoupCore is a .NET Core port of the jsoup ( HTML parser and sanitizer originally written in Java. Ported to .NET Framework by Amir Grozki (
Escape HTML (escape-html) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Diff2html binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Dhtmlxscheduler binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Dhtmlxgantt binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Download wiki pages from a git repository (will also fetch updates automatically)
Slackify HTML (slackify-html) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Sanitize HTML (sanitize-html) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
jQuery Truncate HTML (jquery-truncate-html) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Htmlparser2 binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Htmlescape binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
HTML Entities (html-entities) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.