Top 20 NuGet hosting Packages

This library contains a basic template for a Windows Service host.
Library to simplify the hosting of console applications by making it easier to setup dependency injection, logging and configurations.
MassTransit AzureServiceBus configuration extensions using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.IHostedService and Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.
MassTransit AzureServiceBusCore configuration extensions using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.IHostedService and Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.
Scheduled tasks made easy for .NET hosting.
Package Description
Package Description
ASP.NET Core hosting infrastructures for Adeptik applications.
Add gtksharp to the general host like aspnetcore
Image Storage API SDK to allow you upload your beloved pictures to our service.
A Simple.Owin extension that provides hosting APIs and abstractions
An extension to ScriptCs.Rebus for sending scripts over a bus for execution.
Allows creating CommandLine applications using Microsoft.Extensions.CommandLineUtils together with DI, Configuration and Logging in a convenient way similar to AspNetCore Hosting.
This library contains a basic template for a Mantle Azure Cloud Service worker role host.
Library with common classes for Web Applications hosting
Azure Service Bus hosting infrastructure and startup logic for background applications.
An opinionated ASP.NET Core 'Hosting' core application-library is to help reduce the ceremony required in starting a new 'REST' like web application, mainly "Program.cs".
This library contains some test helpers which we regularly use in our test projects.
Package Description