Top 20 NuGet helper Packages

Dates, Finance, Translate Helper Classess
A .NET Standard Extension Helper.
UWP 开发宝库
This is the decription of the package.
Lanymy.Config-alpha 通用配置表相关辅助类库 目前版本还在测试阶段,还不够稳定.
Tool for extract Entity and Dto's from database tables.
This package is a part of Acolyte.NET library. Acolyte.NET is a helper library with a lot of useful classes and extension methods that you need in your everyday work. So, do not reinvent the wheel, use this library instead!
A class library that contain helper methods
Flag utility set. Used for simple and efficient flagging applications, featuring similar traits to Enum flagging. FlagUtil offers simple to use helper funtions and a object oriented approach to flagging.
This NuGet package contains a helper to get Salesforce Session Info which can be used to call the Solution Snapshot APIs.
Small helper library with some helpfull functions
This is a minor patch release to fix the bug. This project has been compiled as a nuget package to de-couple the project from the references through nuget rather than to project level references.
This is a minor patch to fix the bug.
Provides an easy way to handle Telegram commands.
Helper functions for microservices
General contracts for microservices