Top 20 NuGet hangfire Packages

This package adds support to Couchbase for Hangfire
Lamar IoC container support for Hangfire. Supports both .NET Framework and .NET Standard.
Azure ServiceBus Queue support for SQL Server job storage implementation
Hangfire Redis Storage Based on Redis.StackExchange See for some more info on the main project
PostgreSQL storage implementation for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
Hangfire server/process monitoring plugin.
An Alternative SQLite Storage for Hangfire
This is the job activator for Hangfire and LightInject.
Unity IoC Container support for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
Hangfire integration of Correlate to add correlation id support to Hangfire background/scheduled jobs.
Package Description
Hangfire extensions for structuring background jobs similarly to MediatR's request-response style. It's basically Vertical Slices for Hangfire.
Makes it easier to use Hangfire.Console with .net core dependency injection
Hangfire Redis Storage Based on CSRedisCore See for some more info on the main project
The PPWCode Server.Core.Hangfire library
TransactionScope filter wrapper for Hangfire jobs
This is a (hopefully temporary) fork of HangFire.SimpleInjector that enables support for NetStandard
Package Description
A plugin for Hangfire that enables you to launch jobs manually.
A Hangfire extension to store a log during job execution