Top 20 NuGet httpclient Packages

Adds support for OAuth 2.0 / OpenID Connect authentication to HttpClient. Call .AddOAuthHandler() after .AddTypedRest() (or .AddHttpClient() when not using main TypedRest package).
DalSoft.RestClient - Powerful C# Rest Client A beautiful, dynamic and fluent C# Rest Client for all platforms. Create frictionless code whlist still using the HttpClient you already know. Extend HttpClient using Pipeline features Trusted by enterprises Easy Unit Tes...
A library for building REST API client wrappers to be used by .NET Standard 2.0 apps.
Some kind of a RestSharp port to PCL. This is not related to the RestSharp project at all! Supported Platforms: - .NET Standard 1.1 - .NET Framework 4 - Silverlight 5 - Portable Class Libraries (Profiles 259 and 328)
A .NET library for intercepting server-side HTTP dependencies.
MADE.NET Networking comes fully loaded with wrappers for easily executing network requests from applications, handling the responses, as well as providing extensions for common URI scenarios. A perfect companion to any application handling networking.
Components for Data Protection, Secure Storage, Secure Transfer, and Advanced Electronic Signatures, including PAdES for PDF, XAdES for XML, and full support for Hardware Security Modules (HSM).
System.Net.Http integration package for the OpenIddict validation services.
DropboxRestAPI is a C# client for Dropbox service through its RESTful API.
HttpClient.Caching adds http response caching to HttpClient.
Fluent Http Client with a fluent APIs which are intuitive, easy to use and also highly extensible.
This package adds support for formatting and content negotiation to System.Net.Http. It includes support for JSON, XML, and form URL encoded data.
OneDriveRestAPIt is a C# client for the Microsoft OneDrive service through its RESTful API. Microsoft has released the Live SDK, a set of C# libraries for interacting with OneDrive, which is hard to extend and debug, as it relies on async HttpWebRequest/HttpWebResponse.
Generate C# and TypeScript codes of strongly typed client API for ASP.NET Web API
Extensions for HttpClient and Custom Repository based on dapper
JSON and MediaTypeFormatter extensions for skwas.MockHttp.
The main goal of this library is to provide unified http request retrying policies for the HttpClient that just works. Actually this library wraps awesome Polly library with the predefined settings to allow developers to use it as is without a deep dive to Polly.
Este paquete contiene los ensamblados satélites en español para las ASP.NET Web API Client Libraries.
Ce package inclut les assemblys satellites Français pour ASP.NET Web API Client Libraries.