Top 20 NuGet http Packages

Simple library that extends HttpClient to make connecting to an API easier.
Toolbox and WorkFlow for the agile development of .Net Web App and Api projects.
Proporciona una clase de muestra para consumir servicios web HTTP REST, incluidas las operaciones GET, POST, PUT y DELETE. Oculta la complejidad detrás de serializar y deserializar entidades / modelos y crear solicitudes HTTP.
.NET HTTP Client Service library. Use this library to quickly bootstrap your .NET HttpClient Service calls. It uses the System.Net.Http library. You pass in your routes and objects for the calls - Get, Post, Put, Patch, Delete. It returns an HttpResponseMessage/String Response depending on the metho...
Test-oriented HTTP & TCP API allowing interaction (and testing of) HTTP based Non-GUI endpoints such as Webservices and RESTful services etc.
Package Description
An AspNet core middleware to create a reverse proxy server
Http Consumer is simple fluent way to call web api. Customize Serialize/deserialize as per content-type.
A .NET Standard 2.0 library containing data transfer objects pertaining to Nightingale REST client and other Nightingale services.
A .NET Standard-based client SDK for Nightingale Cloud.
Basic http client extensions and http utilities
Pack of 7 Australia - Http
Pack of 7 Australia - C# Extensions
Networking primitives for use with .NET, such as a low-level HTTP client and connection abstractions.
Provides extension methods for System.Net.Http.HttpClient and System.Net.Http.HttpContent that perform automatic serialization and deserialization using MessagePack. Commonly Used Types: System.Net.Http.MessagePack.HttpClientMessagePackExtensions System.Net.Http.MessagePack.HttpContentMess...
Contains a set of tools for parsing HTTP headers.
Console application to check if web links are active or broken.
This client library provides access to the Microsoft Cognitive Services CustomVision Prediction APIs.